Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

What is stress?

Stress is a stimulus to our life.  It can be defined and classified as many things.  What it does do is typically it stimulates a change in from our current state of being.  It initiates a response from us.  This response is both physical, emotional and chemical.  Stress has vary degrees of intensity and it can be classified as good or bad and it happens in all aspects of life.  What we can agree upon is that excessive stress is not a good thing.  However, the good news is that there are many ways that we can modulate our stress.

  • Connect with friends and family

Interacting socially, connecting and bonding with friends and loved ones in a positive manner, increases many neurotransmitters that naturally make us feel better

  • Connecting with nature

It is believed that spending time in nature relieves stress and anxiety. Many people can appreciate the time spent in natural setting such as a forrest, hiking in the mountains or down by the beach

  • Meditation and breathing exercises

Spending time in a quiet and relaxing environment can lower stress levels immensely. Breath is the foundation of life and deep breathing in a relaxed environment can provide an stress relieving time that is needed during the day.

  • Music

Relaxing musical tones can also reduce stress and anxiety.  Coupled with deep breathing and meditation, we can further enhance our relaxed and calm state of mind.

  • Maintaining proper sleep and wake cycles.

Our hormonal system is largely based on circadian rhythm.  Many of our hormones such as cortisol, melatonin and more are based on the wake and sleep cycles that we maintain. Ensuring that we are asleep during the midnight hours, sleeping in a completely dark room with minimal noise and distractions are essential.

  • Adaptogenic Herbs

Adaptogenic herbs have the ability to modulate many of our internal systems, this includes hormones and neurotransmitters; enabling us to maintain a homeostasis.  These include but not limited to: Ashwagandha, Gotu Kola, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola and many more.

If you are experiencing anxiety or stress and you would like help reducing your stress and anxiety levels,  Ai Vida Health is here to assist your on your path to greater health and wellness.

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